A Huawei Mate X screen repair will cost an iPhone 11 Pro worth of cash - Android

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A Huawei Mate X screen repair will cost an iPhone 11 Pro worth of cash - Android

2019 is the year when we got the first high-profile forldable smartphones. Three of them, to be exact — the , the , and the . Well, we didn't exactly "get" the latter. Due to a bit of a carfuffle caused by the US - China trade war, Huawei lost its right to use Android with the Google framework. So, it launched the Mate X in its homeland only. Though, in all fairness, it's very possible that Huawei was only planning a China launch since the Mate X does not look like it's easy to build.

Still, the phone (or an iteration of it) may or may not reach the Western world at some point. ...

20/11/2019 03:14 AM