Galaxy Fold 2 'Bloom' to be launched in April... and Samsung is torn over the screen size - Android

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Galaxy Fold 2 'Bloom' to be launched in April... and Samsung is torn over the screen size - Android

Remember those rumors that the Galaxy Fold successor will be a flip phone with a horizontal instead of a vertical crease? Well, despite the OG Fold hiccup, Samsung is hard at work on the Fold 2 already, and plans to release it according to schedule, tips Korean media today.

The Fold 2 will, surprise, surprise, be launched in 2020, claims the report again, but this time around it cites the exact month of April as the release timeframe, a month after the Galaxy S11 appearance on the shelves in March. Multiple parts industry players are mentioned as sources, and one was even quoted ...

16/10/2019 05:57 AM